
Congratulations to our colleagues from Carl Zeiss Lenses for reaching 100.000 ph...

Congratulations to our colleagues from Carl Zeiss Lenses for reaching 100.000 photography and cinematography fans. What a milestone! Although the linked raffle has already been completed, have a look at the comments section to the picture: Fans shared their amazing fotos shot with ZEISS lenses.

Timeline Photos

Wow, one hundred thousand! We're really happy right now and want to say thank you! Thank you to everyone out there for posting, liking, commenting and sharing. Thank you for asking questions and making suggestions. You are the 100,000 and the backbone of this great community. That's why we want to give away a Planar T* 1,4/50 (ZE or ZF.2) with exclusively engraved lens shade and some other goodies. All you have to do is post your favorite photo that you shot with a ZEISS lens here in the comment section of this post and send us a direct message with "100k" and your email address until December 8, 2014, 10:15 am (CET). We then randomly choose the winners. Please make sure to read the terms of participations here: http://bit.ly/1s7W7F5 By entering this competition, you agree to abide by its terms and conditions. The competition is in no way related to Facebook and is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by Facebook.

from ZEISS Group's Facebook Wall

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